Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Some Progress.

Well I succeeded in not eating total crap today but that is about all that can be said about it. Still too much and not totally healthy, but at least progress. The big success is having gone to a fitness class. Yeah! It was a new thing and I think it may be a keeper. Low key, combination class, free and I can bring the little ones. Seems perfect. We shall see. I definitely need different shoes though. The tennis shoes were not adequate, my ankles and arches (especially the right one) are pretty sore in a not good way. I will try my running shoes next. I don't really have aerobic impact shoes but I hope one of the three athletic pairs I have will work. After all, it seems ridiculous to have more pairs than that for a girl this out of shape, YK?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenn,

    Thanks for visiting my blog! I think the fact that you are exercising already is fantastic - that alone shows great commitment to your weight-loss. And as for the food, it's progress, not perfection. It takes a while to reprogram our minds into what, and how much, to eat. Hang in there!
