Sunday, April 3, 2011

Starting Again

Well almost exactly two years since my little bundle of baby boy derailed my fitness efforts. He brings me so much adorable joy everyday and is now one more motivation for getting healthy. I want to be a good example to my children and I want to still be alive at 90+ years with great-grand-children to cuddle! I have lost and gained 15-20 lbs in the last year by just slowly affecting my diet, but the regain comes with post holliday sweets and now a budget crunching meal plan. DH has been laid off for 8 wks (now working for 4 weeks though) and we decided to eat out of the pantry and not buy any food for lent. Good for the budget, and at the 4th sunday I just went through the pantry and freezer and think we are fine for another 3 weeks. Problens arise when the pounds start creeping back on though from lots of refined carbs. Rice and pasta and beans may be cheap, but not good for my waistline. I need to focus more on calorie limiting/ portion control but I can't seem to get that under control. Trusting that if I start exercising I will eventually come to food moderation as well I am getting serrious about exercise. I spent the fall and winter sporadically exercising but just havn't found a way to make it easy with my life and Little P. Therefore I am doing a Biggest Looser DVD. Jillian's 30 day Shread and am on day 3. I am very sore and achy all over. I hope that helps me to get improvement quickly. It was under $10 and the whole family is doing it together. This makes it more challenging (little P on my lap for ab work and girls bumping into each other for jumping jacks) but the girls are excited to do it together and so help keep DH and I accountable. I plan to post measurements on may 1st to see how it went.
I also stumbled across Dr. Amen and his brain healthy weight loss and plan to do some serious research on him and his books. They show some real promise for me. I will let you know.

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